Wednesday, April 3, 2013

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How to Sleep With a Snoring Partner

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Sleep loss resulting from snoring partners is at an all time high. There are many reasons why people snore and most of them are difficult to remedy. However there are effective NEW ways to protect yourself from snoring noise, without your partner having to actually stop snoring.


  1. Know Thy Self! Decide if still being able to hear the snoring noise, only at reduced volume is tolerable for you. If so you may find foam earplugs to be an alternative. Earplugs are well suited for reducing the air transmitted half of the way snoring gets into your ear.
  2. You will need to spend some time with the earplugs to determine if you will be able to tolerate having a full feeling in your ear canal throughout the night and sometimes a slight feeling of suction.
  3. If you are like most people who have difficulty falling or returning to sleep when you hear any snoring noise at all. Then you will want to use a masking sound that is specifically designed to override the on and off of snoring, which is what keeps people awake. Also these special smooth and relaxing sounds address both routes that snoring uses to get into your ears, which are air transmission (through the ear canal only) and bone conduction (through the skull and jaw bones), which earplugs do not address.
  4. You'll need to locate and download the file of your choice and install it on your personal player.
  5. Acquire a pair of the soft foam "booties" that can be placed over your ear buds, which makes them very comfortable and secure, or possibly even use one of the new speaker type pillows.
  6. Play the snore masking file at the lowest level needed to cover up the on and off of the snoring. You will then be able to sleep as you would with the sound of an air conditioner or fan running, only these particular sounds are targeted specifically to drowned out snoring fluctuations.
  7. Your brain will then automatically desensitize to snoring sound and be able to tune out all of the snoring, so that you can fall asleep naturally.


  • Another side benefit of this type of snoring solution is that it is immediately available, so if you are reading this article in the wee hours of the morning, because you can't sleep. You can actually do something about it right now!


  • Don't confuse these new snore masking sounds with common white noise, rain, wind or ocean sounds. Those types of noises may have a calming effect, but will not prevent you from hearing snoring sounds.
  • Many people mistakenly believe that the noise canceling type headphones may work for snoring, however they are not capable of subduing snoring noise and again only address the air transmitted (through the ear canal)portion of the sound travel.

Things You'll Need

  • An mp3 or CD player
  • Earbuds (with foam booties) or speaker type pillow.
  • A bed
  • A snoring partner
  • A big smile :)

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Sleep With a Snoring Partner. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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